Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Gadgets and Gizmos!!

Firstly, I think I have omitted to say where we live! We live in a beautiful part of the country - Barnstaple, N.Devon. There is easy access to both the moors and beaches, which is really good.
Today we have taken some positive steps to improve our daily lives, but unfortunately, these have all acted to emphasise to Pete how his life has changed and what he can no longer do. This has made him a bit depressed but not too badly and he understands these will all help us. Firstly, he has been awarded the Disability Living Allowance (this is a relief as I am on 6 months unpaid leave from my job as a housekeeper at the local hospital) and from this award we have now applied for the Blue Badge to let us park in disabled spaces if he is with us. Also I have requested the pack to claim for Carers Allowance which they seem to think I can get without too many problems.
This afternoon we had a visit from Diana who is the Occupational Therapist. She came with a trolley load of equipment for us to look at as Pete wants to do more in the kitchen (the trolley was nearly as big as her as she is quite a little lady!!!). Pete was always the cook at home and did all the planning, preparing and cooking of meals so he really feels not being able to help. We have decided to get a one touch tin opener which is designed to be used with only one hand, similarly a jar opener will be useful. The main piece of equipment which will really revolutionise Pete's life is a Kitchen Workstation which will hold bread still whilst he butters and cuts it, it has spikes to hold veg for cutting, peeling, chopping,etc, has a grater and slicer and also a clamp for holding veg or bowls or whatever. This is specifically designed for people who only have the use of one hand - which is him at the moment I'm afraid!! Actually when we looked at what is available we realised how lucky he is in that the things we decided he needs don't amount to many - it is basically just things to stop everything moving around.
As I said, these all emphasise to him what he can't do and upset him for a while but he is fine about it now.
Plenty of walking around again today and he is feeling very pleased with himself about this and even keeps lifting his right leg and waving it about to show me how much better it is!!!
Good day again, I feel we are on a roll at the moment! Hope it lasts but I know to expect down days and we will deal with them as and when.

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