Saturday, 22 December 2012

Bad, bad night.

Last night was a very bad one for Pete with him not sleeping at all well. This seems to be a bit of a problem for him, I'm not absolutely sure why. It could be that he wakes up with his arm aching or it could be that his arm just makes him uncomfortable as he can't move it and it gets in the way. He sleeps either on his back or on his right side. Also, although he starts off the night with his arm splint on, he usually takes it off at some point as it is a bit cumbersome, and this could make his arm ache. His arm is also tightening up again as the effect of the Botox wears off. The next dose is on 15th January and the physios think he will get a bigger dose to make it last longer, so I must remember to mention that it didn't last the full time. When I made a cup of tea first thing this morning I could see that Pete had had one at some point in the night. He has been taking paracetamol to help him sleep but he wants to take more which I am not sure about, and seems a bit pointless as they are not really helping.
He was very tired this morning and when I went out for an hour I think he had a bit of a doze, but I was only gone an hour so he wouldn't have slept for long and he had emptied the washing machine and put the drier on, so definitely would only have dozed for a short time.
We have done plenty of exercises today and also tried to loosen his arm a bit, but that seemed painful for him. We have read some more of 'the book' which, at the moment, is all about the physical effects Edwyn had and the myriad of infections he got. It seems words do come out without much effort, but also they have employed a private speech therapist to go in to help him, an option not open to us - so, all in all, Edwyn did have a head start on Pete.
We watched some Christmas films this afternoon, the regulation ones with children and a romance, when they got to the happy ending Pete was trying not to cry and we were both laughing - he is not impressed with this emotion business!!
Pete has been fairly quiet all day. It could be because he is tired or it could be that the weather just makes you feel down - it has rained very heavily non- stop all day. We have had the lights on all day and the wind has also been howling round the house. There has been serious flooding in a nearby village - this has actually been the wettest day yet.
So, to cheer us all up, a beautiful picture of Ella ready for her school party yesterday.
And ..... We won £15 on the lottery last night!

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