Saturday, 15 December 2012

Going Up!

Well, still on the see-saw but going up, slowly, but heading in the right direction! I felt much better after my rant yesterday! But that is what this is about, the ups and downs of life caring for a stroke survivor, warts and all! It's not all plain sailing but I wouldn't let anyone else have the job of caring for Pete, he is my life.
So, today, he is back on the modelling thank goodness and seems happy to be doing it, and reasonably happy with his progress. Today has whizzed by and nothing really done, so nothing to report. We did have the final visit to the dentist and now Pete is the proud owner of new dentures!! They will take a bit of getting used to but seem alright so far.
We haven't even had time to read about Edwyn Collins! But, on that subject, Adrian sent me a link to see a video on YouTube of him performing with Tim Burgess and Roddy Frame this year. It is so inspiring - his right arm still seems inactive but the speech is there (although I'm not sure exactly how much that was affected), anyway I think the link is: Try it.
Slight blip tonight when the dyspraxia kicked in again - Pete tried to turn the tv off with a cigarette lighter! But these are now few and far between and are actually quite amusing.
The horrendous shooting in America has upset us both, many tears from Pete every time it comes on the news. We are both thinking of all the families involved. So, so sad.
A bit shorter post today - makes a change as I usually seem to ramble on a bit!!

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