Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Stopped Tumbling!

This has been a reasonable, average day. Pete has been a bit happier, not as smiley as I would like, but better than yesterday.
Susie came on her own again this morning and basically put Pete through his paces for an hour. She always stops occasionally to let him have a rest as he really has to work hard and put a lot of effort in - but he never wants to stop for long, in fact I think he would be happy to keep going on and on, but this makes him tired and then it doesn't work as well - so short rests are necessary. Yesterday Pete wouldn't do the foot sliding exercises but Susie has told him these are important and he must do them to get his brain rewired to the muscles, so he has been told!!!
This afternoon we started reading about Edwyn Collins. Unfortunately Pete can't read it himself, it is still too much for him to process, so I read it out - so far, so good, as at the moment it is just describing his life as a musician in the world of hit music, how they met, etc. we read for half an hour and I think this is enough in one go. Then it was on to the homework given by Bev! (photo of him hard at work) he has to copy our names over and over, just to get the pathway fixed in his brain - its a bit like lines at school! It must be so boring for him but he stuck at it for just over an hour, he really is so determined. I can't help but admire him and be proud of him. Whilst he was busy doing that I managed to get a lot of Christmas cards written, now it is just letters to do. That then was the whole afternoon occupied.
Susie did say, just before she left, that she can see improvement all the time, tiny tiny improvements, but they are there, so that is very encouraging.
This evening Martin, Mel, Robbie and Ella popped in - I rang Martin earlier to say Pete wanted to see him, I don't know why, he just wanted to see him! Ella is the obligatory Angel in her school play tomorrow so Mel is going to take photos for us to see. Ella made us laugh tonight as I think she has been having lessons on 'attitude' in school today - she is 6, going on 16!!!
So another day ends and, I'm pleased to say, we have stopped tumbling downwards.
Tomorrow morning I am off to meet another friend for coffee which I am looking forward to. I have really realised just how important family and true friends are.

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