Monday, 3 December 2012

New Exercises

Today has been a quiet day, with us not doing much. Pete hasn't seemed too bad in spirit but after lunch he was feeling a bit 'off'. It was too late to cancel the physios so we decided to just see what he was like when they arrived. He is also still getting pain in his leg, but there are no visible signs of infection - no swelling, rash or redness - so that is a bit of a mystery but it is not unbearable. Probably just muscle pain, but the physios are going to monitor it. Anyway, when they arrived he said he would like to do exercises so it was agreed they would go gently and if he felt unwell they would leave it. He actually got on alright and managed to do all they wanted and after they had gone he said he felt alright, so probably concentrating on something other than how he was feeling was good for him. I have been shown two new exercises to do with him to try and loosen his hamstrings. Just a few times each day should be enough. One is getting him to lift his right leg from the knee only, not moving his thigh or hips, the other is to slide his right foot along the floor and then pull it back, and not to lean back whilst doing it. This is done whilst his foot is on a plastic carrier bag to enable it to slide easily. So we will add these on to the core exercises we already do. Also we are keeping on with sounds.
Tomorrow I have to go to town and try and sort something out that needs both our signatures. I am going to have to explain he can't speak or write his normal signature, so what is the procedure? I have already had one argument on the phone with another company to do with something else and they insisted they wouldn't speak to me about it, even though I explained the situation (this was about 2 weeks after the stroke) and the upshot was I lost my temper and asked what they didn't understand about can't speak or write? They said they would write to him and ask his permission to discuss it with me, he would just have to sign or make a mark - told them to do that despite the fact he couldn't write so we would get nowhere. In the end I was passed to the manager/supervisor who decided they would talk to me about it! This is another thing you never think about in everyday life. Anyway will see how this goes tomorrow, but at least they will discuss it with me!
So, another day gone, no physio or speech therapy tomorrow - just us doing exercises.

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