It has been a glorious day today, both indoors and outdoors! Although it has been very cold out it has been lovely and sunny and dry all day. And indoors, Pete has been in a really good mood and very smiley all day.
This morning I had some dusting and hoovering to do and so Pete decided he would have a go at dusting and polishing in the hall. He did that really well, only one blip when he got the carpet cleaning spray rather than the polish, but I saw what he had got and gave him the right one, which made him laugh. He dusted all the ledges and pictures and polished everything that needed it, and he managed fairly easily. So, another box ticked in getting back to doing what he used to.
He also did a few sounds, nothing new but the ones he does are coming easier. Unfortunately, Suzanne was off sick today so Susie came on her own, but she put him through his paces and he did well. There were a couple of exercises that need two of them so, obviously, she didn't do those but compensated with plenty of others! One he has to do is to step on and off the half step (from outside the front door), without dragging his right foot off - he has to make the effort to lift his knee. He did a few just dragging the right foot off, but then it suddenly seemed to click and he started lifting his knee and getting the foot off beautifully, he did this about 15 times so that is a good move.
Tonight he went off and came back with a shirt! Now what I wondered? But I quickly established he wanted a new shirt, so I asked him to think of the colour he wanted and when he had decided, I just listed all the colours and got the head nod and big smile on blue. Then he picked up the shirt again - "do you want more than one?" I asked, yes, so go through the colours again and he also wants a brown one. Now, this doesn't sound like anything major, but the fact he went and got a shirt to indicate what he wanted to talk about is quite a breakthrough, hopefully the start of clue giving!!
Altogether, a fantastic day. I did think of getting him to do a bit of ironing, which I am sure now he could do, but decided dusting and polishing was enough for one day!! It all makes me sound really lazy, but I assure you this is all him getting back to normal!! Really, it is!! For the last few years he has done everything in the house whilst I go out to work - this works well for us and we are both really happy with the arrangement. All the girls in work think I am incredibly lucky to have a husband like him - and I am! And I know it!!
So tomorrow it is off to get new shirts and then back for his Speech Therapy with Bev. And the sun is forecast to shine again. Happy, happy, happy.
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