Well, that is Christmas over for another year. I hope everyone had a good time and enjoyed themselves like we did. We had a really great time with Martin and Mel and the kids on Christmas Day and Mel set a very festive table and cooked a very very tasty meal. Mel's parents also came over during the afternoon so that was nice to see them. They helped me a lot when Pete was in Bideford and I am very grateful to them. There was obviously a lot of noise during the day with talking, excited children, crackers and party poppers - so, at one point, Mimi (Mel's miniature dachshund) took refuge with the only person being quiet! Pete!! (photo today and also one with Martin and family) He was very happy to have her on his knee and she dozed off a bit which pleased him.
Boxing Day was equally enjoyable when Martin and family came to us for the afternoon and the kids had more presents as we saved ours til then.
So there it was - gone! The only thing that was a bit poignant and sad was that Pete couldn't join in as usual which I know upset him a little, but he did try as much as he could. It also really tired him out and today, which has been quiet, he has dozed off a few times, a bit more than usual.
I did let him have a couple of glasses of wine last night, it seemed mean not to, although one of his tablets advises not to take with alcohol, but he seemed ok and didn't have any after effects thank goodness.
And that is it I think, hopefully Pete will be able to communicate better next Christmas, but I am not banking on it!
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