Friday, 28 December 2012

Leaflets, Pamphlets and the World Wide Web

As today has been another day doing not a lot my mind has gone back to the days and weeks after Pete's stroke. After someone has had a stroke you are inundated with leaflets and pamphlets "explaining all you need to know" and telling you all about the effects and all the support that is available. But, in actual fact, I don't think any of them actually tell you how hard it is going to be or how long it is all going to take - years. All the support? Where? You also go on the Internet to find out all you can, but then comes the point when it all becomes too much and you really don't want to read another single word about it. I have recently been given another couple of websites to read, and after several days, I eventually went on them quite reluctantly, and, to be honest, I don't think they have helped at all. There are often articles in the papers about strokes and effects, for example today I read about a man who came round after his stroke to find he could only speak welsh - my first reaction? Well, at least he can speak! That is such an awful reaction and I feel quite ashamed to admit it. We have had a few conversations today which have really emphasised to me how bad this aphasia is - even clues go round and round in a very convoluted fashion. Nothing is easy. Today Pete wanted to say something about Martin - easy way would be to point to where his name is written down - but it involved Pete waving his arm in the general direction of the window, me not getting it, so over to the window we go and Pete waves his arm backwards and forwards pointing to the drive in front of the window, eventually I suggest someone driving in, yes that's it, then go through list of people who come and get the nod on Martin. I would even welcome a conversation conducted through writing notes. No leaflet or pamphlet told me that it would be this hard - probably just as well! They talk about aphasia causing speech and language problems and give suggestions how to deal with it, but none seem to tell you that ALL communication skills can go, although the intelligence is still there.
I think that is enough moaning now - I'm sure you get the picture! But it helps to have a moan sometimes.
The photo today is of Adrian playing at a gig with his band 'Spectres' just before Christmas. They are a VERY loud band but this just seems to add to their appeal. They play loads of gigs in Bristol and all round the country in fact and are doing very well. Adrian and one of the other band members also have a recording label 'Howling Owl Records' and are recording other Bristol bands and making a name for themselves. Adrian is the one on the left with the gold glittery guitar, not one to fade into the background!!

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