We had an extremely bad night last night, with both of us awake for hours and both getting very upset and emotional. After all that Pete eventually fell asleep but I was still awake trying to make sense of how I really feel. I don't know why, but I thought of my mum and how much I miss her, especially now. She would tell me that this is what life has dished out to us and it is no good feeling sorry for ourselves we just have to do our best and get on with it. I thought about what would be my one wish in this situation, and the answer is that if Pete could just get one word out I would feel so much better. It would give us such a lift. So I determined that we will practice sounds as much as we could, just a few minutes at a time every day. It may be the wrong thing to do, to try and force the issue, but I am going to go down that road - and tough if the experts disagree!!
With this is mind we have had two separate sessions of trying to make different sounds and Pete seems quite happy to do this. He can do 'mu' and 'Lu' (as in much or lurch) and we are going on to 'eee' and 'I', then put together to get me, my, lie. We have actually been quite successful just on these few sounds. Then I think we will move on to 'o' and 'ah', and go on from there. I am convinced that if he can start to make the beginnings of words we will both be much happier. We really need to start and take a few more tiny steps as this week hasn't been the best.
This afternoon was another visit to the dentist for the final try for new dentures, we now have just one appointment left, in two weeks time, for collection of finished product!! Just in time for Christmas.
Whilst we were in the dentist Martin did a tesco shop for me, so no need for online order at the moment (phew!!) then it was on to Argos to get a couple of presents.
So, all in all, I feel a bit better and more determined today. Surely it is time for us to have a couple of happier days - I surely hope so. (thanks mum for the words of wisdom!! Miss you so.)
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